Sonatest Masterscan 700M

Sonatest Masterscan 700M


The Masterscan 700M offers the end user a high end narrowband flaw detector with a full VGA display, sync and proportional outputs, sync input and a Spike and Square pulser. Features like high levels of near surface resolution, penetrating power (450V pulser - square and spike) and excellent signal to noise ratio, can be added and upgrades performed in the working environment, reducing downtime and increasing working flexibility. The Masterscan 700M's enclosure is constructed using impact resistant materials and is designed to meet IP67 standards, offering excellent water resistance and harsh conditions. Typical applications are Weld Fabrication, Corrosion Detection, Composite Inspection, Bond Testing, Forgings & Castings, Power Generation (including EMATS) and general UT inspection.




  • Configurable on-board software
  • Customizable & intuitive menus
  • Split DAC/AVG
  • Angle measurement mode
  • Dryscan capability
  • Encoded B-Scan
  • A-Scan fade
  • 4GB on-board memory
  • USB interface for PC import/export

NEW-Corrosion Software Option

Thickness measurement is a major application of the Masterscan series and good data logging tools are essential to productivity. The popular block/location/Reading-Number format is available as standard. With the corrosion software option, users can create and populate 2-dimensional grids of readings, with A-Logs, B-Scans, historical readings and notes optionally attached to each thickness log.


With the Time-Controlled Gain (TCG) option, the gain of the receiver can be varied along the beam path to compensate for beam-spread and attenuation. This brings equivalent reflectors at different depths to equal heights on the A-Scan and allows a simple gate to act as the reporting level for the inspection. TCG can be generated from reference echoes in the same way as DAC, or can be converted from a pre-existing DAC curve.


With this option enabled, measurements of indication level (L), Attenuation Factor (AF), and indication rating (IR) are calculated and displayed in accordance with AWS D1.1

Dryscan Mode

The Dryscan option adds a tuned pre-amplifier to the received signal, allowing comparative transmission testing of composite materials which cannot be inspected using traditional techniques. Used in conjunction with soft-tip and roller probes, no couplant is required, so honeycomb structures or carbon fiber panels are easily assessed for delaminations and disbonds.


UTLity Data Management Software

UTLity software provides everything you need to manage your inspection data. The Standard version is FREE with every instrument and give you the ability to view, move and manage Calibrations, A-Scans, B-Scans and Thickness Logs both on the instrument and on your PC. With UT-Lite you can also create customized inspection report templates, cut-n-paste information to other applications and create printable pdf documents.

  • Load, store, manage files both on the PC and on a connected flaw detector
  • Save, analyze, color code and export thickness logging data to spreadsheets/asset management software
  • Update the Flaw Detector and Firmware as and when updates become available on our website

Technical Specifications

Masterscan 700M Specifications

Test Range: 0.04" (0-1mm) up to 787" (0-20,000mm) in steel at 19455f/s (5930m/s)
Velocity: 256 - 16000 m/s continuously variable
Probe: 0 to 1000 μs
Delay: 800" (0-20,000m) in steel at 5930 m/s
Gain: 0 to 110dB adjustable in 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 14 and 20dB steps
Test Modes: Pulse echo and transmit/receive. Single Crystal, Double Crystal and Pitch-Catch.
Damping: 50 and 400 Ohm damping selectable
Pulser: 100-450V - ve spike and square wave. Pulse Width from 30nS to 2500nS. Rise/Fall times <5nS into 50R load.
P.R.F: Adjustable 5Hz to 6kHz. External sync also available.
Screen Update Rate: 60Hz
Rectification: RF, Full wave, +ve half-wave and -ve half-wave
Frequency Range:

8 selectable filter bands

  1. 100kHz - 500kHz
  2. 200kHz - 800kHz
  3. 0.4MHz - 1.6MHz
  4. 1.4MHz - 3.0MHz
  5. 3.0MHz - 8.0MHz
  6. 7.0MHz - 15.0MHz
  7. 9.0MHz - 21.0MHz
  8. 1.6MHz - 33.0MHz (Wideband)
  9. Additional tuned low frequency pre-amp with Dryscan option.
System Linearity: Vertical = 0.5% Full Screen Height (FSH); Horizontal +/-0.2% Trace Full Screen Width (FSW)
Reject (Selectable): Up to 80% Linear reject (removes baseline noise without affecting indication amplitude) or Up to 50% Suppressive reject (increase zero offset and reduces amplitude of all echoes).
LED Warning when active.
Units: Metric (mm), inch (in) or microseconds
Display: Color Transflective VGA (640 x 480) TFT
Display Area: 4.57" x 3.43" (116.16 x 87.2mm)
A-Scan Area: 400 x 510 pixels (normal), 460 x 620 (FS).
Colors: 9 color options with variable brightness.
Gate Monitor: Two independent gates for measurement and monitoring. Start and width fully adjustable over the entire range of the instrument. Levels adjustable from 0% to 100%, positive or negative triggering on each gate with audible & visible alarms. Gate resolution is 5Ns.
Zoom: Expands range and delay to cover the area set by Gate 1 start & width controls.
AGC: Automatic Gain Control automatically sets the signal in Gate 1 to a level between 10% and 90% FSH, tolerance between 5% and 20%.
Contour: Trailing-Edge-slew-rate control to reduce half cycles in rectified modes. Selectable from one of 6 levels.
Waveform Smoothing:

Select from

  1. None (both min and max values are displayed in the A-Scan)
  2. Fill (Min values set to baseline value, produces a solid A-Scan)
  3. Smooth (min values ignored, produces a clear outline A-Scan)
Persistence: Causes previous A-scans to "fade out" at a user-determined rate
Auto-Cal: Provides automatic calculation of velocity and probe zero from 2 reference echoes.
Reference Waveform: Displays a previously stored A-log in a color different from the active display, enabling a quick visual check of the differences.
Clock: Built in, battery-backed RTC keeps time and date. Visible on the status line, always stored with Panels, A-logs, etc.
Internal Memory: 4GB storage available for A-scans, panels, T-logs, B-logs, etc... 450,000 Panels, 200,000 A-Logs, 300,000 B-Charts, 440,000 T-Logs.
Active Peak Memory: Retains all A-scans on screen for echo-dynamic pattern analysis, with the active A-scan displayed in a separate color.
Notes: Alphanumeric labelling for panel stores, A-logs, B-logs, etc...
Display Freeze: Hold the current waveform on screen for off-line processing
Help Key: Shows software and hardware information
Language Support: Multiple languages are selectable from a list including: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese (Modern). Others are available upon request.
Encoder Connection: D-Sub 15 connector
Video Output: Standard on 700M
Proportional Outputs: Available on 700M
External Sync: Available on 700M
USB Connection: Internal Storage shown as Memory Device.
Transducer Sockets: BNC or LEMO (factory option)
Power: Lithium Ion 14.4V battery pack. Typically 16 hours for Masterscan 700M. Indication of battery charge status. Recharge time 3-4 hrs. Battery can be charged separately. Mains pack optional.
Charger: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Environmental: Designed to meet IP67
Temperature: Operating: 14°F - 131°F (-10°C - 55°C)
Storage: -40°F - 167°F (-40°C - 75°C)
Dimensions: 5.7" x 10" x 5.7" (145 x 255 x 145mm)
Weight: 5.5 lbs. (2.2kg) with battery
Warranty: 2 year
Extended Warranty: Sonacover - extended 5 year warranty, including 4 calibrations.
Calibration Standard: EN12668-1:2010 (Detailed Specification available upon request).
Standards: Vibration to 514.5-5 Proc 1 Annex Fig 6
Shock 516.5 Proc 1 15g/6ms
Explosive atmospheres - MIL-STD 810G
Method 511.5 Procedure 1
Measurement Modes

Mode 1: Signal monitor, Gate alarms can be active but no measurements are displayed.
Mode 2: Depth and amplitude of first signal in gate.
Mode 3: Echo-Echo distance measurements
Mode 4: Trigonometric display of beam-path, surface distance (including X-offset) and depth of indication from the inspection surface together with echo amplitude. Curved surface correction can be applied for convex and concave surfaces. Half-skip can be indicated on screen.
Mode 5: Gate to Gate distance measurement
Mode 6: Flank to Flank
Mode 7: Beam Angle, Calculated from beampath, hole radius and hole center depth
Measurement Display: Live display and updates on screen at 3 times per second. Large display of a single measurement available.
Sizing Techniques & Software Options

Sizing Technique Description Standard or Optional
DAC Defined by up to 20 reference points or converted from TCG curve and digitally drawn on the screen. DAC curves meet the requirements of EN, ASME JIS and many other standards. Custom DAC curves can be selected. DAC dynamic range can be extended automatically adjusting the reference curve to match the reference gain. Scanning Gain, and T-Loss available as separate controls. Amplitude readout is selectable between % FSH, % DAC or relative dB. Standard
TCG Time corrected or “Swept” gain, defined by up to 20 reference points or converted from a DAC curve. All points converted to 80% screen height. Option
Backwall Echo Attenuation (BEA) 0-40dB attenuation applied to the latter part of the time base, to improve the detectability of defects near the back wall and loss of BWE due to porosity. Option (requires TCG)
AWS Built in calibration and display of factors and parameters required by AWS D1.1 Option
AVG/DGS Enables the calculation of pseudo “DAC” curve and equivalent reflector size of UT indications, based on user input of transducer parameters. Option
API On-board flaw sizing method in accordance with API 5UE. Option
Interface Trigger Unlocks the interface trigger gate controls, which hold off the A-Scan acquisition and display until an interface echo is detected within a specific range and amplitude. Used for the elimination of water-path. Option
Corrosion Software Option Enables complex inspection plans to be uploaded from a PC using the on board UTLity software. Features include 2 dimensional thickness logging, storing A-Logs and B-Logs with thickness values, taking multiple readings per location and note creation for each grid location. B-Scan option available to display bar-growth views of thickness readings taken by Gate 1 against distance or time. Option (includes B-Scan)
Split DAC & DGS/AVG Adds up to 3 zones of added gain (+12, +24 and +36) to the DAC or DGS/AVG curve to enable single-pass scanning of large sections and attenuative materials conforms to EN583-2:2001. Option

Standard Masterscan 700M Kit Includes

  • Masterscan 700M Digital Flaw Detector
  • Battery, Charger & Charger Mains Cable
  • User Guide & Calibration Certificate
  • Certificate of Conformance
  • Carry Bag
  • UTLity & USB Cable
  • Display Window Cover
  • Ultrasonic Couplant

Additional Accessories

  • B-Scan Encoder - Available upon request
  • UTLity Pro (Advanced User Software) - Advanced user software, partners with the corrosion software option enhancing data manipulation, presentation and analysis.

Product Literature

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
Sonatest Masterscan 700 series, BNC UT-ST-MS700BKIT Request Pricing
Sonatest Masterscan 700 series, Lemo UT-ST-MS700LKIT Request Pricing