Pratt & Whitney Penetrameters / IQI's

Pratt & Whitney Penetrameters / IQI's

TAM Specs and True 2% Thickness ASTM E-1742


Pratt & Whitney specifies the use of two classifications of I.Q.I's under the XRM document: TAM specs and ASTM E-1742.
TAM specs are tool numbers assigned to I.Q.I's with a true 2% sensitivity, for use on material sections under 0.2". TAM specs contain detail numbers, each one representing a specific I.Q.I thickness. Additionally, TAM specs contain an AMS number, which specifies the material of the I.Q.I.
ASTM-E-1742 is used for all materials, for use on sections from 0.05" and up, with a minimum IQI thickness of 0.005". For materials not covered by a TAM number, see True 2% Penetrameters / IQI's - ASTM-E-1742


TAM Specifications for IQI's

TAM # Material AMS #
108533 Stainless Steel* 5640
140607 6AL/4V Titanium 4928
142937 Hastelloy X* 5754
142937 Inconel 600 5540
142937 Inconel 718 5589
142937 Waspaloy* 5706
142401 Haynes 25* 5759


Common materials covered under ASTM-E-1742 in addition to those listed above are:

Material AMS #
 2024 Aluminum  4120
 ZK60 Magnesium  4352


Material Verifications

Pratt & Whitney's XRM document specifies the requirement for dimensional and alloy verification. RAY-CHECK MFG. (RCM) verifies dimensions and issues an analytical report with I.Q.I's. RCM performs alloy verification in accordance with PWA MCL Sec. F-53 (thermo-electric testing).

Material certifications accompany alloy verification documents.

Aluminum and Magnesium alloys are sent out for semi-quantitative spectrographic analysis in accordance with PWA MCL Sec. F-23 and F-54.

*Items with an asterisk in the material column have different markings on the IQI. 

  • Stainless Steel = FE
  • Hastelloy X = NI
  • Waspaloy = NI
  • Haynes 25 = CO

IQI Thickness

Pratt & Whitney IQI Thickness

2% of thickness of object to be radiographed

Available for IQI thicknesses ranging from .001" to .004"

Actual IQI Thickness TAM ID:
Thickness of Item Being Radiographed
 0.0010" (0.0254 mm)  .05"
0.0015" (0.0381 mm)  .07" / .08" 
0.0020" (0.0508 mm)  .10" 
0.0025" (0.0635 mm)  .12" 
0.0030" (0.0762 mm)  .15" 
 0.0040" (0.1016 mm) .20" 

*Prices include serialization, calibration and material certification

Minimum Order Size is $75

Note: Serialized radiographic products are not returnable

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
TAM 108533 Stainless Steel (AMS 5640) - 1/2" Wide in 0.05, .08, .10, .12, .15 and .20 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 1-6 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM108533-A $48.00
TAM 108533 Stainless Steel (AMS 5640) - 1/4" Wide in .05, .08, .10, .12, .15, and .20 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 7-12 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM108533-B $56.00
TAM 142401 Cobalt/ Stellite 25 (AMS 5759) - 1/2" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08, and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 1-4, 9, 10 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM142401-A $75.00
TAM 142401 Cobalt/ Stellite 25 (AMS 5759) - 1/4" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08 and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 5-8, 11, 12 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM142401-B $83.00
TAM 1423937 Hastelloy X (AMS 5754), Inconel 600 (AMS 5540), Inconel 718 (AMS 5589), or Waspaloy (AMS 5706) - 1/2" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08, and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 1-4, 9, 10 (Specify Size & Material in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM142937-A $75.00
TAM 1423937 Hastelloy X (AMS 5754), Inconel 600 (AMS 5540), Inconel 718 (AMS 5589), or Waspaloy (AMS 5706) - 1/4" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08 and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 5-8, 11, 12 (Specify Size & Material in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM142937-B $83.00
TAM 140607 Titanium (AMS 4928) - 1/2" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08 and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 1-6 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM140607-A $75.00
TAM 140607 Titanium (AMS 4928) - 1/4" Wide in .05, .10, .15, .20, .08, and .12 Size Ranges, Detail Numbers 7-12 (Specify Size in Checkout Comments) RT-RC-TAM140607-B $83.00