CIT CR Phantom

CIT CR Phantom

Radiographic System Qualification

Note: This product has been discontinued, the replacements are:

Kowotest Small 6"x10" CR Phantom Kowotest Type 1 14"x17" CR Phantom

CIT CR Phantom


The need for Quality Control is emphasized throughout any production system. Measurement and traceability of equipment performance and assurance of repeatability and accuracy are paramount in establishing correct working practices. Checking the performance of a Radiographic System for Quality Assurance purposes has historically been an arduous task, with differing standards and multiple test gauges and exposures.

CIT's CR Test Phantom incorporates the required test elements into a single simple-to-use unit, allowing the evaluation of Computed Radiography (CR) systems, for industrial radiography in accordance with ASTM and EN International Radiographic Testing standards, as well as monitoring the quality of the chosen system.

The regular use of the CR Test Phantom will assure the long-term stability performance measurements of the CR system over the life-cycle of the devices.

CIT CR Phantom

CR Phantom II Test Kit
Alignment & Usage


Basic Radiographic Measurement Performance

There are several factors affecting the quality of a CR image, including the spatial resolution of the IP system, geometrical unsharpness, scatter and contrast sensitivity (signal/noise ratio). There are several additional factors, for example scanning parameters, that affect the accurate reading of displayed digital images.

The CR Phantom provides these quality indicators for measuring:

  • Shading
  • Spatial resolution
  • Central beam alignment
  • Converging Gauge - 20Lp/M
  • Radiograph Set-up unsharpness
  • MTF
  • Jitter
  • Linearity
  • Slipping
  • Contrast Sensitivity

    CIT CR Phantom comes in two sizes: 8” x 10” and 14” x 17”

    The CIT Test Phantom is designed to fully comply with the requirements of:

    • ASTM E2445-05 Appendix X1,
    • EN 14784-1:2005.
    • ASTM E2002 / EN462-5
    • ASTM 1647-98a
    • BSS 7043

      Includes the following calibration devices

      • T-Target for laser jitter test and MTF Measurements
      • Duplex wire IQI according to EN 462-5
      • Central Beam alignment (BAM Snail)
      • Converging line pair quality indicator (20lp/mm)
      • EL, EC, ER Measuring points Cassette positioning locator
      • Homogeneous strip
      • Lucite plate for shading correction
      • Inch/cm ruler for linearity check
      • Contrast sensitivity quality indicator

        CIT / CR-PHAN 1417 III - 2 Duplex IQI wires (13 Line Pair)
        CIT / CR Test Phantom 14" x 17" for Digital Radiography with two off Duplex IQI for aerospace and specific market sectors, in accordance with EN-14784 and ASNT E2445-05.
        Specifically designed for Aerospace industry for BOEING & USAF
        CIT / CR-Phantom 1417 Ver. II - single (1) Duplex wire (13 Line Pair)
        CIT / CR Tets Phantom for Digital Radiography in accordance with EN-14784 and ASNT E2445-05.
        CR Phantom in a smaller size scanner & application (8" x 10") single Duplex IQI (13 Line Pair)
        CIT / CR-Phan 1417 III - 2 Duplex wires (15 Line Pair)
        CIT / CR Test Phantom 14" x 17" for Digital Radiography with two off Duplex IQI 15-line-pair for aerospace and specific market sectors, in accordance with EN-14784 and ASNT E2445-05.
        Specifically designed for Aerospace industry for BOEING & USAF
        CIT / CR-Phantom 1417 Ver. II - single Duplex wire (15 Line Pair)
        CIT / CR Test Phantom for Digital Radiography in accordance with EN-14784 and ASNT E2445-05.

          Product Literature

          Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
          Phantom Kit in Carrying Case (14 x 17) RT-CIT-CR-PHAN-1417 Discontinued Item
          Phantom Kit in Carrying Case (8 x 10) RT-CIT-CR-PHAN-0810 Discontinued Item