Magnaflux Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable Penetrants

Magnaflux Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable Penetrants

ZYGLO Penetrant Materials


Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable penetrant materials are used with the Liquid Penetrant inspection method to locate surface flaws in non-porous parts. Available in liquid form (ZL-27A and ZL-37 Aerosols have been discontinued). Choose from three sensitivity levels to satisfy military, industry or company specifications. ZYGLO formulas offer improved sensitivity, brightness, and resistance to over washing.

ZL-2C, Level 2, Methods B/C/D

A medium sensitivity penetrant (Level 2), ZL-2C fluorescent post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed to be removed from the part surface by emulsifiers or solvent. With a UV-A light source, indications will appear as a bright green-yellow fluorescence. ZL-2C has a high flash point, and is designed to be used in open dip tanks. ZL-2C is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved for use by Pratt & Whitney.


  • Level 2 medium sensitivity
  • Methods B/C/D - Post Emulsifiable, lipophilic and hydrophilic & Solvent Removable
  • Bright indications
  • Minimal background fluorescence
  • High flash point
  • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
  • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney

ZL-27A, Level 3, Methods B/C/D

Post-emulsifiable ZL-27A is a Level 3, high-sensitivity Type 1 penetrant designed for inspections which require maximum process control and reliability, such as safety-critical aerospace testing. Since ZL-27A is not water soluble, there is minimal risk of this penetrant being removed from a fine or shallow defect through over-washing to provide the highest reliability of any penetrant inspection method. ZL-27A has a high flash point and provides long tank life when used in open dip tanks, but this penetrant can also be applied in a variety of other ways, including electrostatic spray. ZL-27A is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved for use by Pratt & Whitney.


Improve Indication Detection

  • Clear, bright indications are easier to detect due to high UV and thermal stability – even for small flaws and discontinuities
  • Indications stand out more since background fluorescence is minimized; emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant without the risk of over-washing

Maximize Penetrant Inspection Process Control

  • Prevents over-washing since ZL-27A cannot be removed with water (unless combined with an emulsifier)
  • PE penetrant system is less susceptible to human error since only surface penetrant is removed in the final rinse stage

Wide Range of Inspections

  • Inspect a wide range of high-value components without fear of corrosion or specification non-conformance
  • Meets all major industry and NDT specification requirements, including Aerospace Prime and OEM specs, AMS 2644 and ISO 3452​


  • Level 3 high sensitivity
  • Methods B/C/D - Post emulsifiable lipophilic and hydrophilic & Solvent removable
  • Bright indications
  • Resists over-washing or over-removal
  • High flash point
  • Wide range of application methods
  • Low odor
  • Very low toxicity
  • Alloy compatibility
  • High thermal resistance
  • High UV stability
  • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
  • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney

ZL-37, Level 4, Methods B/C/D

Essential for critical component applications, ultra-high sensitivity ZL-37 post-emulsifiable penetrant is designed for detecting fine, tight discontinuities in safety-critical components, such as titanium turbine components, and in high-stress parts, such as investment castings. This Type 1 penetrant is non-water-soluble so there is minimal risk of washing ZL-37 penetrant from a fine or shallow defect which makes this penetrant inspection the most reliable, dependable form of PT testing. ZL-37 has a high flash point and provides long tank life when used in open dip tanks, but this penetrant can also be applied in a variety of other ways, including electrostatic spray. ZL-37 is listed on the QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List and is approved for use by Pratt & Whitney.


Improve Indication Detection in the Most Critical Applications

  • Creates the clearest, brightest indications for even the finest flaws due to very strong UV and thermal stability
  • Highest fluorescent brightness of any Level 4 penetrant for high-contrast indications that are easy for inspectors to see – even when the indications are very small
  • Indications stand out more since background fluorescence is minimized; emulsifiers only remove surface penetrant without the risk of over-washing

Maximize Penetrant Inspection Process Control

  • Prevents over-washing since ZL-37 cannot be removed with water (unless combined with an emulsifier)
  • Post Emulsifiable penetrant system is less susceptible to human error since only surface penetrant is removed in the final rinse stage

Wide Range of Inspections

  • Inspect a wide range of high-value components without fear of corrosion or specification non-conformance
  • Meets all major industry and NDT specification requirements, including Aerospace Prime and OEM specs, AMS 2644 and ISO 3452


  • Level 4 ultra-high sensitivity
  • Methods B/C/D - Post emulsifiable lipophilic and hydrophilic & Solvent removable
  • Bright, high-contrast indications
  • Resists over-washing or over-removal
  • High flash point
  • Wide range of application methods
  • Low odor
  • Very low toxicity
  • Alloy compatibility
  • Very high thermal resistance
  • Very high UV stability
  • High dye content
  • QPL SAE AMS 2644 Qualified Product List
  • Approved for use by Pratt & Whitney

Technical Specifications

ZL-2C, ZL-27A and ZL-37 Specifications

Specifications ZL-2C ZL-27A ZL-37
Sensitivity Level 2, medium sensitivity 3, high sensitivity 4, ultrahigh sensitivity
Flash Point > 200 °F (93 °C)
Density 7.51 lb./gal (0.90 g/cc) 7.72 lb./gal (0.93 g/cc) 8.15 lb./gal (0.98 g/cc)
Viscosity* 6.62 cs 9.65 cs 13.71 cs
NPE-Free? Yes
Use Recommendations
Specifications ZL-2C ZL-27A ZL-37
NDT Method Penetrant Testing, Fluorescent
Type 1
Method(s) B / C / D
Required Equipment UV light source
Usage Temperature 40 to 125 °F (5 to 52 °C)
Storage Temperature 50 to 86 °F (10 to 30 °C)

*Viscosity at 100 °F

Specification Compliance

ZL-2C, ZL-27A and ZL-37 Compliance

Compliance ZL-2C ZL-27A ZL-37
AMS 2644
ASTM E1417
Boeing BAC 5423 PSD 6-46 or 8-4  
Boeing PS-21202  
ISO 3452  
NAVSEA T9074-AS-GIB-010/271
Pratt & Whitney PMC 4352
Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
Magnaflux ZL-2C Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable Penetrant, Level 2, Methods B/C/D (specify packaging)
Model #
PT-MX-01-3123 - Master $673.00
Magnaflux ZL-27A Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable Penetrant, Level 3, Methods B/C/D (specify packaging)
Model #
PT-MX-01-3187 - Master $675.00
Magnaflux ZL-37 Fluorescent Post Emulsifiable Penetrant, Level 4, Methods B/C/D (specify packaging)
Model #
PT-MX-01-3188 - Master $727.00