The GMO8 features an interface to provide USB communication, RS232 remote control of the GMO8 and the uploading of measurements and data. The GMO7/O8 also incorporates a non volatile memory to enable the retention of stored values even when switched off and to retain instrument settings.
The GMO8 also includes a time keeping device to record the time data is stored and an external DC power supply socket f or bench top applications.
Windows communication software is supplied with the GMO8. This allows the user to download readings, stored data and control the instrument remotely via USB or RS232 interfaces. Data can be downloaded to Excel or open office spreadsheets, or to a CSV format file.
A full driver suite is available as an optional extra. This includes sample programs with full source code (Microsoft Visual C++.NET) for the 2000 operating system, XP and later. A simple DLL allows third party integration of the GMO8 into embedded systems. A Lab view VI is included. Linux is also supported.