The FERITSCOPE® MP30E Instrument
For Measuring Ferrite Content
The rugged FERITSCOPE® MP30E with plug-in type smart probe is suited for fast, non-destructive and accurate measurement of ferrite content on-site or in the lab according to the magnetic inductive method.
Applications include measurement of the ferrite content in:
- austenitic steel welds, of tubing etc.
- normal construction steel with austenitic chrome
- alloy steel welded cladding in boilers, vessels and etc.
- duplex steel
- Non-destructive measurement of the ferrite content in a range of 0.1 to 110 FN or 0.1 to 80% FE in austenitic and duplex steel
- Simple measurement, even for complex specimen geometry
- Battery or line operation
- Large LCD display for characterisitc measurement and statistical values as well as pictograms, for status display and text lines for operator instructions
- RS232 interface for data transfer to PC or printer
- Automatic measurement acceptance at probe contact or with external start
- Acoustical signal at measurement acceptance
- Statistical evaluation of test series and display of min, max and mean value, number of measurements, standard deviation, as well as, date and time
- Outlier control for automatic elimination of erroneous measurements
- Input of specification limits
- Free running display with additional presentation of the measurement as analog bar between selected specification limits
- Memory capacity for max. 10,000 measurements in 1000 blocks in up to 100 applications. Fixed or free block size selection.
- Measurement units selectable between WRC-FN and % Fe
- 5 display languages
- No influence of the electrical conductivity of the specimen
- Only one calibration required for the entire practically relevant measurement. Range from 0.1 to about 90 FN. Measurement accuracy according to ANSI/ AWS A4.2M/A4.2:1997 standard.
- Calibrations with standards traceable to TWI secondary standards or with customer specific standards.
The calibration of the FERITSCOPE® MP30E is traceable to internationally approved IIW secondary calibration standards. The instrument therefore meets all requirements of ANSI/AWS A4.2 and DIN EN ISO 8249 as well as of the "Basler" standard.
The picture shows one of the 3 sets of available calibration standards with certificate for different Ferrite-value ranges. The instrument kit includes one set of standards. Specify Low, Medium or High Range when ordering or tell us the range of Ferrite values to be measured.

All Fischer calibration standard sets are traceable to internationally approved IIW secondary calibration standards from TWI/England. Please note that the below TWI standard set is used for laboratory calibration of standard sets and is not for the calibration of the MP30 instrument.