Echo Ultrasonics Echo 6HT Fluid Couplant

Echo Ultrasonics Echo 6HT Fluid Couplant

Echo Ultrasonics Echo 6 HT Fluid Couplant

Echo 6 HT is a low cost, silicone based, high temperature, slow drying, fluid ultrasonic couplant replacing plant based oils (peanut and canola) and mineral oils. Echo 6 HT has no residue and is less subject to under insulation cracking, which leads to lower auto-ignition temperature. echo 6ht


Product Description Product Specifications
  • Unlike plant-based oils, Echo 6 HT won't form a film or varnish, nor will it gum up bearings or equipment. Echo 6 HT serves as a long term lubricant for mechanical AUT equipment.
  • Echo 6 HT is low in viscosity and maintains a stable viscosity across a broad operating range.
  • Echo 6 HT has low toxicity is essentially non-irrating.
  • Echo 6 HT provides excellent corrosion inhibition on ferrous metals and is compatible with all metals and most plastics.

  • Operating Range: -40°F to 675°F (-40°C to 357°C)
  • Auto-Ignition Temperature: 789°F (421°F)
  • Sound Velocity: 1015 m/second
  • Viscosity: 90 to 110 cSt
  • Halogens and Sulfar: less than 50 ppm
  • Specific Gravity: 0.97
  • Weight Per Gallon: 8.91 lbs. (4.04 kg)


  • 6HT-1 - 1 gallon / 3.8 liter rigid plastic container
  • 6HT-5 - 5 gallon / 18.9 liter rigid plastic container
  • 6HT-55 - 55 gallon / 208 liter drum


Product Literature

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
Echo Ultrasonics Echo-6HT-1 - 1 gallon / 3.8 liter rigid container (minimum 2) UT-EU-6HT-1 $146.00
Echo Ultrasonics Echo-6HT-5 - 5 gallon / 18.9 liter rigid container UT-EU-6HT-5 $658.00
Echo Ultrasonics Echo-6HT-55 - 55 gallon / 208 liter drum UT-EU-6HT-55 $5,520.00
Echo Ultrasonics Drum Pump for 55 gallon drum UT-EU-DP-55 $160.00