Fischer Technology DMP Series Probes

Fischer Technology DMP Series Probes

Digital Probes & F-Adapter

The DMP Series Probes from Fischer offer a range of solutions to match your specific requirements. Available probes aren't limited to this list either, Fischer also offers specialty probes for many different applications. Use the F-adapter to continue using analog probes. If you do not see what you are looking for, please contact us with your application details and we'll be happy to make a recommendation.

  • Best measurement results - Rely on outstanding accuracy and maximum repeatability with probes from Fischer, even for demanding measurement tasks.

  • Smart connectivity - Benefit from improved connectivity with future-proof USB-C interfaces and possible data transfer via Bluetooth.

  • Flexible F-adapter - So take advantage of the F-Adapter, an accessory that allows you to use the full performance of analog Fischer probes with your new DMP10-40 Series Coating Thickness Gauge.

  • Highest quality - Continue to experience the highest quality and maximum service life with our wear-resistant, serviceable and extremely robust probes (IP65)



Magnetic Induction Probes

The probes listed below can be used for Magnetic Induction testing, and are compatible with the following instruments:

Fischer Deltascope, Fischer Dualscope

D-F (#: 1006634)

D-F Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive fix cable-connected measuring probe for the determination of coating thickness with robust and screwed USB-C connector. 

D-F-ro (#: 1006895)

D-F-ro Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive measuring probe with robust and screwed USB-C connector. Well suited for rough surfaces.

D-F-sm / D-F-Hsc (#1007010)

D-F-sm / D-F-Hsc Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive fix cable-connected measuring probe for the determination of coating thickness with robust and screwed USB-C connector. Well suited for smooth surfaces.

 D-F-T5rs / D-F-T5ro (#: 1007025)

D-F-T5rs / D-F-T5ro Technical Data Sheets

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive fix cable-connected measuring probe for the determination of coating thickness with robust and screwed USB-C connector. Well suited for coating thicknesses up to 5 mm and rough surfaces.

D-F-2rs / D-F-2ro (#: 1007030)

D-F-2rs / D-F-2ro Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive cable-connected measuring probe for the determination of coating thickness with robust and screwed USB-C connector. Well suited for rough to very rough surfaces.

D-F90-2t8 (#: 1007032)


D-F90-2t8 Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital magnetic inductive fix cable-connected measuring probe for the determination of coating thickness with robust and screwed USB-C connector. Well suited for coating thicknesses up to 8 mm and rough surfaces.


Eddy Current Probes

The probes listed below can be used for Eddy Current testing, and are compatible with the following instruments:

Fischer Isoscope, Fischer Dualscope

FTA3.3H (#604-142)

FTA3.3H Technical Data Sheet

Plug-in eddy current cable probe for FMP gauges. Measuring range of 0 - 1200 µm / 0 - 48 mils. Common applications include paint, varnish or plastic coatings on aluminum, copper or brass.

FAW3.3 (#604-193)

FAW3.3 Technical Data Sheet

Plug-in cabled eddy current angle probe for FMP gauges.

FAI3.3-150 (#604-187)

FAI3.3-150 Technical Data Sheet

Plug-in cabled inside probe for measuring non-conductive coatings on non-ferrous metals (Iso/NF). Well suited for measurements in pipes, bore holes, grooves, etc.

FA9 (#604-188)

FA9 Technical Data Sheet

Plug-in cabled eddy current angle probe for FMP gauges. Suitable for measuring thick plastic or rubber coatings

Digital Eddy Current probes are not yet in production. Analog probes are still available but require F-Adapter for use with new DMP Series instruments.

Dual Probes

The probes listed below can be used for BOTH Magnetic Induction and Eddy Current testing,
and are compatible with the following instruments:

Fischer Deltascope, Fischer Isoscope, Fischer Dualscope

D-FN (#: 1006632)

D-FN Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital measuring probe for coating thickness measurement according to the magnetic inductive and eddy current method with robust and screwed USB-C connector.

D-FN-sm (#: 1006815)

D-FN-sm Technical Data Sheet

Pluggable digital measuring probe for coating thickness measurement according to the magnetic inductive and eddy current method with robust and screwed USB-C connector.

All probes require a gauge. Click on the following link for Fischer Coating Gauge options

Learn More about Fischer Coating Gauges

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to

Magnetic Induction Probes

Fischer Technology DMP D-F Magnetic Probe - Pencil Probe 2000 μm (80 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1006634 $790.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-F-RO Magnetic Probe - Large Probe Tip 2500 μm (98.4 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1006895 $563.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-F-2RS Probe 2000 µm (80 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1007030 $1,471.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-F-HSC Probe 800 µm (80 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1007010 $1,471.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-F-T5RO Magnetic Probe - Single-Tip High Thickness Range 5 mm (200 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1007025 $1,017.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-F90-2T8 Magnetic Probe - Double-Tip Right Angle Probe 8 mm (320 mils) with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1007032 $1,077.00

Eddy Current Probes

Fischer Technology FMP Eddy Current Probe - FTA3.3H High Precision for Thin Coatings 1200 μm (47 mils) CT-FT-604-142 $736.00
Fischer Technology FMP Eddy Current Probe - FAW3.3 Right Angle Probe 1200 μm (47 mils) CT-FT-604-193 $963.00
Fischer Technology FMP Eddy Current Probe - FAI3.3-150 Inner Diameter Probe 800 μm (31 mils) CT-FT-604-187 $1,131.00
Fischer Technology FMP Eddy Current Probe - FA9 Right Angle Probe 3.5 mm (137 mils) CT-FT-604-188 $1,310.00

Dual Probes

Fischer Technology DMP D-FN Dual Probe 2000 μm (80 mils) NF/Fe and Iso/NF with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1006632 $1,017.00
Fischer Technology DMP D-FN-SM Probe 1500 µm (60 mils) NF/Fe, 1200 µm (48 mils) Iso/NE with Digital USB Connector CT-FT-1006815 $1,585.00