Sonic Tester Designed for Racing Industry
The RX8-DL is most commonly used to measure the thickness of cylinder walls, head ports, decks, chassis tubing, body panels, and windshields. The time-based B-Scan feature of the RX8-DL displays a cross section view to see the profile/contour of the back surface while scanning cylinders. Standard (Pulse-Echo mode) is used with a variety of common material types and variable gain options (vlow, low, medium, high, vhigh) in 3dB increments (40 to 52dB range), for increased penetration or resolution. Using the Multi-Mode (Echo-Echo mode) feature helps measure chassis tubing with or without paint and coatings.
A variety of calibration options, common material list, the ability to store 64 custom setups, high speed scanning, and alarm options are a few of the features in the RX8-DL. The RX8-DL is equipped with a 4GB internal SD memory card, selectable GRID or ENGINE data structures, and used in conjunction with our PC & OSX software for your reporting needs.