Technical Specifications
Comparator Shims can be used in conjunction with or in lieu of Penetrameter shims, as required by Par.8.4. Other configurations and dimensions may be used, provided notches are "V" shaped and 45 degrees. Included angles and depth tolerances are +/- 0.001".
Notch locations +/- 1/64". Dimensions exceed Penetrameter size by at least 1/8" on three sides.
7/8" x 1 7/8" x 3/50" with 0.02" notch, 0.015" notch and 0.01" notch.
- Top and bottom surfaces of shims to be parallel within +/- .001"
- The bottom surface of the slots must be parallel to the bottom surface of the shim within +/- .001"
- All fractional dimensions to be within +/- 1/64"