As a distributor of LPI materials and systems we have determined that the best way to serve our customers is by partnering with experts that specialize in the field of wastewater processing. We have found such a partner in the AQUASGROUP. AQUASGROUP® has solved the FPI rinse water problem with a compact, reliable solution that continuously re-circulates and re-purifies rinse water from FPI processing. AQUASGROUP® FPI Rinse Water Recycling Systems eliminates the need for wastewater disposal.
Dealing with wastewater from FPI systems is an increasingly important issue. With the rise of environmental concern and subsequent governmental regulation, the AQUASGROUP FPI Rinse Water Recycling System will keep you ahead of the curve. The application of wastewater recycling is unique to each FPI System. As such, the discovery process considers wastewater volume, penetrant concentration, penetrant type, and more. This bottom-up approach ensures that each Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Rinse Water Recycling System is tailored to fit the exact needs of your waste management requirements. Beyond environmental and regulatory concern, the Rinse Water Recycling System is a financially suitable alternative to traditional methods of storing and shipping effluent to a Chemical Waste Disposal facility, the cost of which is constantly increasing and more companies are looking for a closed loop, in-house, water recycling system.
Please download and complete the attached form which will give us a starting point in evaluating your requirements. We will share this information with AQUASGROUP who will evaluate your needs and propose a solution.