NDT Cracked Aluminum Test Blocks
Cracked Aluminum Test Blocks compare sensitivity of different penetrants or sensitivity of new and used penetrants. This is done by processing one half of the block with used penetrant and the other half with fresh penetrant. It is manufactured to meet the ASME Boiler Pressure Code, Section V & III, and MIL-I-23135-C. The cracked aluminum block is made from 2024 aluminum and is 3” x 2” x 3/8” thick. A 1/8" wide groove separates the blocks two sides to facilitate side-by-side penetrant comparison.
It can be supplied with a Material Certification Form stating that the block meets:
- ASME Boiler Vessel Code 1992 Edition, Section V Nondestructive Examination, Article 6,
- Paragraph T-6-48.2 and 193 Addenda Paragraph T-653.2.
Note: These blocks are not serialized
(equivalent to MX 14755)
PURCHASING NOTE: The cracked aluminum test blocks are meant for one-time use as once the penetrant gets in the crack it is very difficult to completely clean. We recommend purchasing a minimum of 5 blocks per order and have priced this way.