Tool Steel Ring per AS-5282

Tool Steel Ring per AS-5282

Certified Tool Steel Ring (Ketos Test Ring)


The AS-5282 Tool Steel Ring (formerly Ketos Ring) is a magnetic particle test piece with pre-drilled holes at increasing depths from the edge, to simulate subsurface discontinuities. It offers a reliable method of verifying magnetic particle system performance when actual test parts with discontinuities are not available. Suitable for use with wet or dry materials and visible or fluorescent particles. The number of indications required depends on the waveform and magnetizing current amperage. Meets AS-5282 and ASTM E1444 requirements. Supplied with Certificate of Conformance.

Features & Specifications

Precision-Machined Subsurface Defects

  1. 0.07 in / 1.78 mm
  2. 0.14 in / 3.56 mm
  3. 0.21 in / 5.33 mm
  4. 0.28 in / 7.11 mm
  5. 0.35 in / 8.89 mm
  6. 0.42 in / 10.67 mm
  7. 0.49 in / 12.45 mm
  8. 0.56 in / 14.22 mm
  9. 0.63 in / 16.00 mm
  10. 0.70 in / 17.78 mm
  11. 0.77 in / 19.56 mm
  12. 0.84 in / 21.34 mm
Indications & Amperage

Type of Suspension Amperage FWDC or HWDC Minimum # of Holes Indicated
Fluorescent Oxide (wet) 500 3
1000 5
1500 6
2500 7
3500 9
Visible Oxide (wet) 500 3
1000 4
1500 5
2500 6
3500 8
Dry Powder 500 4
1000 6
1500 7
2500 8
3500 9
Specification Compliance

  • AS 5282
  • ASTM E709-08 (Sections 14.2.2, 20.6.7 & 20.8.4)
  • ASTM E1444/E1444M-12 (Section 7.1.2, Annex A4)
  • BPVC (Section V, Article 7: T-766.1)

How It Works


Place the ring on a non-ferromagnetic central conductor (1”-1 1/4” or 2.54cm - 3.175cm). Clamp the central conductor between the head and tailstocks. With the amperage set to predetermined levels used for every test, magnetize the ring circularly with a contact shot using the continuous method of particle application. A consistent number of indications per level reveals the system is working properly. Refer to tables for number of indications to be visible. It is recommended to benchmark the performance of each specific combination of ring and magnetizing equipment used in order to detect any decrease in performance.

For best results, demagnetize ring after use, clean with acetone or equivalent cleaning solvent. Apply oil or other rust protection before storage.

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to
MX Industrial AS-5282 Tool Steel Ring (Formerly Ketos Ring), Supplied with Certificate of Conformance (Old part # - MT-MXI-CCC-3502) MT-MXI-MX3502 $878.00 $811.00
Magnaflux Tool Steel Test Ring supplied with Certificate of Conformance MT-MX-159999 $909.00