
Like many other automotive engine and safety critical components, crackshafts are subjected to an MPI test as part of the general production quality control process. The object of this test being, to find crackshafts that suffer from surface or slightly sub-surface cracks as a result of the production process.

Since the vast majority of such pieces are crack free, it is essential that the inspection process be simple and fast to support production rates and be sensitive enough to reveal any defects which may be present.


This specially designed test bench is for inspecting crankshafts on a production basis. Crankshafts are manually loaded to the fixtures which are mounted on the modular conveyor belt. The conveyor is driven by a geared motor. When the test pieces are carried to the test point, the parts which have already been tested are carried to the control area by the same motion. After a visual inspection, the inspector decides whether the test part is OK or Not OK. Depending on what the inspector decides, the test part is unloaded by a gripper mechanism to the next area. According to the speed of the loader and the inspector's test, capacity of the bench is one part per 16 seconds.


Other than traditional crankshaft control, counter weights are controlled separately. Counter weight contact points are manually adjusted in x-axis.

Circular Mag.1: Peak 2500 amps, effectively 1800 amps AC

Circular Mag. 2: Peak 1800 amps, effectively 1260 amps AC

Longitudinal Mag. 1: 15000 ampere turn AC

Longitudinal Mag. 2: 8000 x 3 = 24000 ampere turn AC

Demagnetization is carried out automatically.

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MP 600-7AC Semi Automatic Production Tester MT-TMM-MP600-7AC Request Pricing