MP700-2AC A bench with two magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 700 mm in length. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
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MP700-3AC A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test "Y" shaped parts up to 700 mm in length. - Two circular magnetizing circuits are used to pass electric current directly through each leg of the "Y" test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
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MP1200-2AC A bench with two magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1200 mm in length. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
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MP700-4AC A bench with four magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 700 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
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MP700-5AC A bench with five magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 700 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
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MP800-2ACL A bench with two magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 800 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
Long bars can be checked without cutting, by passing the electric current directly, for detecting longitudinal cracks.
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MP1200-3AC A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1200 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using pinols.
The coil diameter defines the maximum test piece diameter between 400 mm and 600 mm. Magnetization of the work piece can be carried out by contact or non-contact methods.
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MP1500-3AC A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1500 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is between 400 mm and 600 mm.
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MP1800-2AC A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1800 mm in length for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is between 400 mm and 600 mm.
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MP1800-3AC A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1800 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is between 400 mm and 600 mm.
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MP1800-3AC+Field Flow A bench with three magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 1800 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures (yokes).
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is between 400 mm and 600 mm.
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MP2000-2AC+HWDC+FWDC A bench with two magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 2000 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using field-flow fixtures field-flow fixtures (yokes).
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is max. 800 mm. Alternative current (AC), half wave direct current (HWDC) and full wave direct current (FWDC) types can be run in sequence. |  |
MP2000-2AC A bench with two magnetization circuits used to test the parts up to 2000 mm in length, for the detection of surface cracks. - Circular magnetization is accomplished by passing the electric current directly through the test piece.
- Longitudinal magnetization is carried out using pinols.
The coil diameter, defines the maximum test piece diameter, is between 400 mm and 600 mm.
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MP 4AC-HUB Full automatic test system with four magnetization circuits used for crack detection of hubs and similarly shaped parts. The bench operates in combination with an Eddy current sorting system. The time required for testing one part is 15 seconds.
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MP7AC-VW KNUCKLE A full automatic test system with seven magnetization circuits used to detect surface cracks of Volkswagen's right and left knuckles. The system runs in combination with an Eddy current sorting system. The test duration is 20 seconds per part.
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MP NONCONTACT CONTROL A test system with three magnetization circuits used to detect surface cracks in parts up to 150 mm in length. - Circular and Longitudinal magnetization are accomplished by specially designed coil.
It is a complete system with grease removal and drying units. The equipment is capable of testing 24,000 parts per day.
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