Magnaflux Cables, Connectors & Remote Devices

Magnaflux Cables, Connectors & Remote Devices


Magnaflux offers a range of cables and connectors to allow you to outfit your magnetic bench or electromagnetic current generator to suit your specific parts and process. Whether you are testing a large investment casting or doing mag particle inspection in a difficult to reach location, these heavy-duty cables and connectors will help you set-up your Magnaflux machine just the way you need.


4/0 cables are essential for P-series, M-series, and CSV-series power packs. Cables can be used to flow magnetizing current through a large part or structure, or wrapped around pipes and long weldments for longitudinal magnetization. Magnaflux 4/0 cables are available in standard welding grade or heavy-duty grade with extra insulation and tinned conductors. Cables are factory terminated in a variety of lengths and a choice of standard lug connections or heavy-duty quick connect fittings. Custom-length cables are also available.

Standard 4/0 Lug to Lug

4/0 cable assembly with two 626342 lug connectors on each end.

Available in:

15 ft. (4.6 m) - PN 626350-180

20 ft. (6.1 m) - PN 626350-240

Custom Length - 626350X

Standard 4/0 QC-F to QC-M

4/0 cable assembly with 628828 QC-F and 628829 QC-M quick connectors on each end.

Available in:

15 ft. (4.6 m) - PN 628833-180

20 ft. (6.1 m) - PN 628833-240

Custom Length - 628833X

Heavy Duty 4/0 Lug to Lug

Lug to Lug, custom length only.

Available in:

Custom Length - 626500X

Connectors / Adapters

Connectors for attaching 4/0 cables to Magnaflux magnetizing equipment including wet benches, power packs and mobile units.

Standard 4/0 Lug

Standard 4/0 cable termination lug.

PN 626342

4/0 QC-M

Male Quick connect 4/0 cable termination (used with QC-F).

PN 628829

4/0 QC-F

Female Quick connect 4/0 cable termination (used with QC-M).

PN 628828

Lug-QC Adapter Kit

Set of two adapters, 12 in / 30 cm long. Standard 4/0 lug to QC-M and Standard 4/0 lug to QC-F, one each. Used in combination with prods, connectors and cable wraps to provide modularity in magnetizing techniques.

PN 628832

Remote Control Cables

Remote control cables for P-Series and M-Series power packs allow the inspector to trigger mag shots and adjust amperage settings at the examination site.

P-Series Remote

Remote switch for triggering a mag shot, 15 ft. (4.6 m) long.

PN 626797

Remote Palm Button

Remote mag shot button for use with the Mag Kit and P-Series power packs. Mounts directly to the side of the Mag Kit bench.

PN 169621

M-Series Pendant

Remote control box provides full control of M-Series power pack at the examination site. Includes waveform selection, amperage adjustment, and mag/demag triggers. 15 ft. (4.6 m) long.

PN 626120

Prod Sets

When using P-series, M-series, and CSV-series power packs, effective magnetization depends on secure contact with the part or structure being examined. Connections can be made in a variety of ways depending on the specific needs of the application. Magnaflux prod sets are convenient handheld electrodes used for conducting sectional inspections of welds, casting, forgings and other large and complex part shapes. Comfortable, pistol style grips and out of the way cable hookups make it easy for testing parts that are not wet-bench friendly.

Standard Prod Set

Set of two hand-held electrodes with mag shot trigger and 4/0 lug connections. Solid copper tips 0.375 in (9.5 mm) diameter, 3.75 in (95 mm) long.

Available in:

P-Series - PN 157662

M-Series - PN 622088

Dual Prod Set

Single hand-held set with two electrodes, mag shot trigger and 4/0 lug connections. Adjustable electrode spacing with 3.875-8.125 in (9.8-20.6 cm) range. Solid copper tips 0.375 in (9.5 mm) diameter, 3.75 in (95 mm) long.

Available in:

P-Series - PN 157781

Contact Clamps

Magnaflux spring-loaded and heavy-duty contact clamps facilitate the easier, more accurate inspection of tubing, bars and tubular assemblies such as aircraft engine mounts, fuselage sections and large welded structures.

Standard Contact Clamp

Spring-loaded clamp with braided copper contact and lug connection. Used for smaller structures and parts up to 2.5 in (6.4 cm) diameter.

Available Parts:

Clamp - PN 1865A

Replacement copper braid - PN 14710

Heavy-Duty Contact Clamp

Large C-Clamp with leaded copper braid contact pad and double lug connections. Used for large structures and parts up to 7 in (18 cm) diameter.

PN 169802

Note: There is a $25 small order fee for orders valued less than $150

Can combine with other products to reach minimum.

Description Part # Saved Price Select Option Add to


Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, 15 ft. / 4.6 m with two 626342 lug connectors on each end MT-MX-626350-180 $497.00
Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, 15 ft. / 4.6 m with 628828 QC-F to 628829 QC-M quick connector terminals MT-MX-628833-180 $714.00
Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, 20 ft. / 6 m with two 626342 lug connectors on each end MT-MX-626350-240 $662.00
Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, 20 ft. / 6 m with 628828 QC-F to 628829 QC-M quick connector terminals MT-MX-628833-240 $952.00
Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, Custom Length, with two 626342 lug connectors on each end MT-MX-626350X Request Pricing
Magnaflux Standard 4/0 Cable Assembly, Custom Length, Quick Connect Terminals QC-M to QC-F MT-MX-628833X Request Pricing
Magnaflux Heavy-Duty 4/0 Cable, Custom Length, includes two 626342 lug terminals MT-MX-626500X Request Pricing
Magnaflux 4/0 Cable Assembly, 15 ft. with one Lug connector and one 1238 Either-end connector (457 cm / 180") MT-MX-626351-180 Discontinued Item
Magnaflux 4/0 Cable Assembly, 15 ft. with 1238 Either-end connectors at both ends (457 cm / 180") MT-MX-626352-180 Discontinued Item
Magnaflux 4/0 Cable Assembly, 20 ft. with 1238 Either-end connector at both ends (610 cm / 240") MT-MX-626352-240 Discontinued Item

Connectors / Adapters

Magnaflux Standard 4/0 cable terminal lug - 626342 (loose or installed on custom length cables) (Old Part # - MT-MX-2590) MT-MX-626342 $40.00
Magnaflux QC-M Quick Connect Male Terminal for 4/0 cable (used with QC-F) MT-MX-628829 $234.00
Magnaflux QC-F Quick Connect Female Terminal for 4/0 cable (used with QC-M) MT-MX-628828 $281.00
Magnaflux Lug to Quick Connect Adapter Set, includes 1 each Lug to QC-M and Lug to QC-F adapters MT-MX-628832 $448.00
Magnaflux Either-end Connector for 4/0 cable (loose or installed on custom length cables) [1] MT-MX-1238 Request Pricing
Magnaflux Either-end to lug adapter (straight) MT-MX-1574 Request Pricing
MX Industrial Either-end Connector for 4/0 cable (loose or installed on custom length cables) MT-MXI-MX3515 $99.00

Remote Control Cables

Magnaflux P Series Remote Cable / Switch for triggering a mag shot, 15 ft / 4.6 m long, 3 PTL Plug (old part number: 157657) MT-MX-626797 $794.00
Magnaflux Mag Kit Remote Palm Button for use with the Mag Kit & P-Series power packs MT-MX-169621 $440.00
Magnaflux M-Series Pendant, Remote Control Box / Cable for M-Series, 15 ft / 4.6 m (old part #: 622124) MT-MX-626120 $1,040.00

Prod Sets

Magnaflux Standard Prod Set for use with P-70 and P-1500 MT-MX-157662 $1,120.00
Magnaflux Standard Prod Set for use with M-2000 Series (one trigger, one standard prod) MT-MX-622088 $1,387.00
Magnaflux Dual Horizontal Prod Set - Lug Connection for use with the P-70 and P-1500 units MT-MX-157781 Request Pricing
Magnaflux Dual Horizontal Prod Set for M-2000 Series MT-MX-622499 Discontinued Item

Contact Clamps

Magnaflux Standard Contact Clamp MT-MX-1865A $138.00
Magnaflux Heavy Duty C Contact Clamp (7.5" capacity) MT-MX-169802 $1,717.00
Magnaflux Magnetic Leech MT-MX-54975 Request Pricing
MX Industrial Spring Loaded Contact Clamp MT-MXI-MX3518 $133.00 $122.00
MX Industrial Braided Copper Strip Replacement (similar to Magnaflux PN: 14710), 11″ Long X 1″ Wide for Contact Clamp (MX3518 / Magnaflux 1865A) MT-MXI-MX3519 $65.00