Advanced Wheel Tester AWT 950 NG

Advanced Wheel Tester AWT 950 NG

Automatic BEAD SEAT inspection of various Aircraft wheels


The Advanced Wheel Tester AWT 950 NG is designed for automated Eddy Current Testing of aircraft wheels with a maximum diameter of 950mm (37.40"). Testing capacities include Nose Landing Gear and Main Landing Gear for all main wheel manufacturers including Goodrich, Honeywell, and Messier-Bugatti-Dowty. 



  • Excellent sensitivity and low noise
  • Fast & easy inspection
  • Easy integration into your conveyor system
  • Automatic and manual mode
  • Adjustable height of the rotary table
  • Archiving and printing of ET reports, programmable preset settings
  • Open, customizable system
  • Detachable ET equipment suitable for other ET inspection tasks

Touchscreen Controls & Records

The Touchscreen Controls include a suite of standard inspection controls as well as the ability to create and save functions for easy repeatability. The software runs on the Windows operating system. 

Inspection reports are automatically recorded and saved. 

Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications

AWT 950 NG Technical Specifications
Diameter range of tested wheels: 5.9 - 37.4 inches (150 mm - 950 mm)
Loading limit:  264.56 lbs (120 kg)
Maximum rotation speed: 90 rpm
Operating air pressure: 3.5 up to 6 bar
Consumption: 5 kVA
Min. detection depth ability for following horizontal: 0.03 +/-  0.002 inches (0.76 +/- 0.05 mm)
Defect width size by KDB probe on the reference: 0.004 +/- 0.002 inches (0.1 +/- 0.05 mm)
Wheel length: 1.52 +/- 0.05 mm
Axis Z ensures vertical movement of probe: scanning of disc surface during rotation – motorized in range 450 mm
In Spiral: vertically
Rotary testing speed is adjustable: between 10 up to 90 rpm for the smallest diameter of a wheel

Wheel Intakes

Wheel Intakes

The AWT 950 NG enables automatic testing of front and main aircraft wheels from all primary manufactures of wheels for Boeing, Airbus etc. e.g. Goodrich, Honeywell, Messier and others. They are: 

Aircraft: B787 A380 A330 B748 B777ER B744 B737
Wheel Weight: 55kg 87kg 58kg 76kg 68kg 59kg 39kg
Wheel Height: 423mm 390mm 355mm 400mm 370mm 340mm 290mm
Diameter: 700mm 710mm 690mm 675mm 680mm 660mm 610mm

System Includes

  • WHEEL TESTER manipulator AWT950 NG
  • Rohmann ELOTEST M3 set with I/O board
  • Probe KDB -4 H – 1473.09.1 with Teflon belt
  • Output for USB and drivers for a local printer included
  • Documentation: CE, EU conformity declaration, operating and maintenance manual



Optional Accessories:

  • Automatic Reference Standard: plate (not a wheel) with artificial EDM defect installed on the machine AWT 950 NG
    • The system will automatically check the EDM defect before and after the wheel scanning. The reference standard will be automatically move against the probe
  • Reference standard on a Wheel: Automatic Reference Standard  above is attached a wheel for enhanced referencing 

    • 3 EDM horizontal defects in 3 different location

      • Depth:      0.76     +/- 0.05 mm

      • Width:       0.10     +/- 0.05 mm

      • Length:     1.52     +/- 0.05 

    • Defect Size measurement
    • protocol of the measurement

For more information, please contact us

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