Digital R & D Visual Testing

Digital R & D Visual Testing

This item has been discontinued. It has been replaced by Simula VT

Digital Research & Development Visual Testing

The Visual Testing Program is approximately 900 pages with over 500 pictures and diagrams. This progam contains text audio and video. At the end of the theory chapters, a practice quiz is included. If an incorrect answer is selected, the program will link the student to the proper page for review. A final random test ranging from 10 to 200 questions is included. All incorrect answers can be reviewed. Chapters include the following:

  • Chpt 1: Uses of Visual Testing
  • Chpt 2: Fundamentals of Visual Testing
  • Chpt 3: Symbols & Diagrams
  • Chpt 4: Welding Processes & Applications
  • Chpt 5: Aids in Visual Inspection
  • Chpt 6: Calipers & Micrometers
  • Chpt 7: Remote Visual Inspections
  • Chpt 8: Base Material Discontinuities
  • Chpt 9: Welding Discontinuities
  • Chpt 10: Other Methods
  • Chpt 11: Documentation
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Digital Research & Development Visual Testing - DVD TR-DRR-VT-DVD Discontinued Item
Digital Research & Development Visual Testing - Thumb Drive TR-DRR-VT-TD Discontinued Item