Digital R & D Radiography Theory

Digital R & D Radiography Theory

This item has been discontinued. It has been replaced by Simula RT

Radiography Theory

The Radiography Theory program is over 900 pages in length and includes over 250 pictures, diagrams, video, text and audio. At the end of each chapter, a practice quiz is included. If the incorrect answer is selected, the program automatically links the student to the proper page for review. The final exam consists of 20-200 questions from the entire program, which will allow a review of all incorrect answers.

  • Chpt 1: Properties of Matter and Isotopes
  • Chpt 2: Biological Effects
  • Chpt 3: Radioactive Material
  • Chpt 4: Radiation Detection Devices
  • Chpt 5: Dose = Dose Rate x Time
  • Chpt 6: Inverse Square Law
  • Chpt 7: X-ray Machines
  • Chpt 8: Radioisotopes
  • Chpt 9: Records, Boundaries and ALARA
  • Chpt 10: State and Federal Regulations
  • Chpt 11: Storage and Shipment
  • Chpt 12: Emergency Procedures
  • Chpt 13: Fluorescent Techniques
  • Chpt 14: Geometric Unsharpness
  • Chpt 15: Films, Screen and Handling
  • Chpt 16: Radiographs
  • Chpt 17: Radiographic Image Quality
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Digital Research & Development Radiography Theory - DVD TR-DRR-RADT-DVD Request Pricing
Digital Research & Development Radiography Theory - Thumb Drive TR-DRR-RADT-TD Request Pricing