Digital R & D Radiation Safety Training

Digital R & D Radiation Safety Training

This item has been discontinued. It has been replaced by Simula RT

Digital Research & Development Radiation Safety Training

The Radiation Safety Program is over 800 pages in length and includes over 250 pictures, diagrams, video, text and audio. At the end of each chapter, a practice quiz is included. If the incorrect answer is selected, the program automatically links the student to the proper page for review. The final exam consists of 20-200 questions from the entire program, which will allow a review of all incorrect answers. Chapters Include:

  • Chpt 1: History, Properties and Isotopes
  • Chpt 2: Radiation and Biological Effects
  • Chpt 3: Radiation Materials
  • Chpt 4: Radiation Detection Devices
  • Chpt 5: Dose, Time, Distance and Shielding
  • Chpt 6: Inverse Square Law
  • Chpt 7: X-ray Machines and Safety
  • Chpt 8: Radiographic Cameras
  • Chpt 9: Records, Boundaries and ALARA
  • Chpt 10: State and Federal Regulations
  • Chpt 11: Storage and Shipments
  • Chpt 12: Emergency Procedures
  • Chpt 13: Incidents and Enforcements
  • Chpt 14: Practice Calculations
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Digital Research & Development Radiation Safety Training - DVD TR-DRR-RT-SAFETY-DVD Request Pricing
Digital Research & Development Radiation Safety Training - Thumb Drive TR-DRR-RT-SAFETY-TD Request Pricing