TecScan Retrofits

TecScan Retrofits

Custom designed to fit your existing systems


TecScan Retrofits

TecScan continually strives to answer customers' specific needs for technological advancement and expertise. We have expertise to retrofit a variety of different scanners. The following represents a few familiar brands with which we have experience: Tektrend, CALDATA, Testech etc.

Our approach in performing upgrades is similar in practice to the construction of new scanners. We usually upgrade the Data Acquisition Instrumentation, Motion Control Hardware and Imaging and Interpretation Software. We also verify if the scanning system has acceptable electrical and mechanical components. If it is determined that electrical or mechanical components need to be replaced or updated, it is done in order to optimize the retrofitted systems performance.

We frequently review the status of the existing equipment and the requirements with customers. Our qualified engineers evaluate all the mechanical and electrical components and can help you determine exactly how best to retrofit your existing inspection system.

For more information about TecScan retrofits, please contact us here

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